Shifting the Energy in Your Workspace

Right now, we have been given a lot of time to pause, reflect and dive deeper into what we truly desire. We can use this time to give ourselves the permission to embrace this refreshing and exciting opportunity to discover what really lights us up and brings us joy. Too often we dedicate our energy to other resisting elements, like what others want from us or what will make us the most money, but not about what we actually want to do. 

I want to share with you the empowering system I have developed of rearranging, curating and enhancing my environment as my motivation that comes from being passionate about beauty and creativity.  

One of the parts of this system is my morning wake-up ritual. Yes! many mornings I take 10-15 minutes to organize and reposition my art and accessories to tell a new story based on what I’m going to do that day, what I am moving toward creating in my business and how the energy I surround myself with can support a leap forward.  It’s all about soul energy design and this is what I am here to share.

I have created a guide with tips and strategies to shift the space in your home that you can start implementing today and I want to give it to you as a gift!!

Today I want you to ask yourself: “what brings me the most fun and joy in my life and business? What am I absolutely obsessed with?” These are the places to work from in order to truly make great money, doing what you love and living out your natural purpose.



Elyse Santoro