It’s the Time to Have a Personal Creative Revolution

We have been in a worldwide reset since March. A pause in our normal daily life that gave us the opportunity to rethink our lives, how we live and how much joy we allow ourselves even through this challenging times. Has your soul been whispering to you or have you avoided listening? Right now, it is key to connect authentically with our heart’s desires, human design, passions, and creativity to follow our soul’s calling. I have personally used this time to write, create a new program, paint, and redecorate parts of my home.

The urge to create is part of our human evolution. In the period of the 14th- 17th century, the great Renaissance Masters changed the way people lived their lives. Their values shifted and their quality of life increased as they took pleasure in experiencing the world around them. DaVinci, Michelangelo and Raphael were three leaders in the cultural movement that shaped centuries to come. Consciousness expanded to express more ideals and revolted against the established order of things-the rules, laws, and dogmas.

I believe we have been leading up to the onset of another Renaissance. Now, during this time in history, when so much has been lost in technology dependence, the era of The New Renaissance will bring a sense of renewed hope and change where it is so needed! The birth of the Revolution happening right now will bring equality, beauty, prosperity, and freedom into everyone’s lives as they contribute their creative uniqueness to the planet.

At this time, we are experiencing a global yearning for more meaning. A deeper understanding of our life purpose, and a way HOME to our authentic self. We are wanting to learn how to express our inherent creative talents and thrive. Profound answers are being sought, that can only come from within you...We are awakening and looking for a new direction in our lives. This period of time is an ancient awakening. The New Renaissance is a time to express each unique gift you came into this life with, so that it will assist the enlightenment and peace on the planet.

Even though things are about to re-open, I hope you have had time to connect to your souls calling to make a difference in the world by having more freedom and creative self-expression.



Elyse Santoro