Create A Soulful Space That Will Transform Your Life

Feng Shui which means wind and water is an ancient science that has been used for centuries by the royal families to increase their wealth and maintain their peace and good standing. In Modern times it is incorporated into the lives and spaces of smart savvy entrepreneurs and business owners to create a better flow of energy to support economic growth and inner fulfillment. It has been proven to help shift re-occurring problems with simple changes to the space. There are a just a handful of trained consultants and designers that use this powerful modality to create thriving environments for their clients.

Studies of the benefits of having your own personal consultation have demonstrated the miraculous results in the areas of improving health and well-being, financial flow, and growth more intimate and fulfilling relationships, better productivity and enhanced creativity and awareness overall.

Having the best Feng Shui in your environment will be the catalyst to attracting your intentions and opportunities that align with your vision, values, and goals much easier and quicker.

Everything is energy and the energetic signature of your environment sends out messages of being open or blocking what you truly desire.

Here are a few of my best Feng Shui Tips to start making changes in your space immediately:

1.      Position your desk, sofa, and bed facing the door or entrance to the room.

2.      Clear unnecessary clutter or release items that no longer inspire you or get utilized.

3.      Bring the outside in with plants, flowers, and natural elements (this will bring the energy of life in a stagnant space).

4.      Sit in a room that doesn’t feel right and ask intuitively what is missing (you will hear it then change it).

5.      Create a personal power space someplace that you go to each day and reflect, dream, write, and connect to the next steps to take that day.

6.      Hang a set of wind chimes outside your door or on your balcony to call in your intentions after making an intention.

Beginning to look at your environment with fresh eyes is a good way to tune into the changes it is asking for. Having a professional consultation could also be valuable when you desire to manifest specific intentions. It is truly an act of Self-Love to decide to change your space as you change so it reflects who you have evolved into.

I offer energy audits and Consultations for Homes and Businesses that include your personalized prescription for the changes you want to make and a powerful blessing ceremony that anchors your intentions into the universal field of manifestation.

Let’s get in touch to discuss how I can help you improve your space and lifestyle!

Elyse Santoro