Connect to Your Creativity and Watch Your Life Bloom

Do you remember when you were a kid? Many of us entertained fantasies or even a strong desire of being a writer, artist, actor, singer, dancer, or musician? In some cases, we received enough encouragement to develop our abilities in those creative arenas, but somewhere along the way we may have stopped. I did. 

A sudden ending maybe due to circumstances beyond our control, or to our own unconscious act of self-sabotage. 

I remember I loved to draw horses and dance. I also remember suddenly stopping because my parents were not available to look at what I was doing and I must have made the decision that since nobody cared it must not be important.

So in my secret world I created in my fantasies and abandoned expressing in real life-my inner creative child.

Being creative now could be uncomfortable or just down right frightening to some in a world that seems to value logic over imagination and practicality over dreaming. We can forgive ourselves for shutting down or turning our attention away from our inner artist, but perhaps we can also take steps to connect and reclaim that one thing we are passionate about and dream to realize.

In some cultures and time periods like the renaissance period, developing a creative ability was considered an important part of being a well-rounded human being. It was not necessary to be a professional or a masterly genius, because the act of creativity was valued in and of itself.

When our natural born gifts are expressed—from the sheer pleasure of allowing our imaginations free reign to then sharing them with the world, a whole new level of confidence evolves within our psyche. Children share drawings and songs freely, without self-consciousness, and there is no reason why we cannot do the same thing. You may already be remembering some lost form of expression, such as making jewelry or writing songs. Your soul may be responding with an energetic lift as it feels its way back to a time when it was allowed to express itself freely. Your brain, on the other hand, may be throwing up obstacles, like the idea that you are too old or do not have the time.

The truth is, you are not too old, and if you have time to pick up a pen, you have time to make a doodle or write a poem. Recognize that the obstacles you find before you have arisen from a place of fear and that they will wane in power every time you do something creative. Each creative act takes you deeper into a realm of beauty and magic, a realm that you have every right to return to and reclaim. You may want to seek out a creative coach or mentor to help you open up to your creative genius.

My life completely changed years ago when I made the decision to go back to painting. I was getting burnt out doing a lot of Interior Designing and saw an offer for a weekend art retreat in NYC called Tabu. I was intrigued by the name and excited about going home to my birthplace NYC.

I went that weekend and with a group of other women creatives we talked, wrote, painted and shared our inner stories that we all held so hidden and quiet, thus the name of the retreat TABU.

It was the most amazing feeling to discover my inner creative muse and express her wildly in the paintings I did and in the classes I then started teaching other women after completing the Intentional Creativity program I enrolled in.

I felt like I had found my souls purpose- to help awaken the creative in others and I since then worked with many women in their creative Blossoming.

I offer art classes to help you reconnect to your inner muse of creativity once a month in Naples, visit for more info.

Follow the whisper of your souls longing and reconnect to something creative that will set your spirit free.

Please Join our FB creative community group Design Alchemy Society and share your creativity with our tribe.

Elyse Santoro