Activate Your Human Design To Live In The Flow

After the challenging past year, 2021 started with new hope with a new experience of feeling more freedom and ease even if there are still many things that have restrictions that may seem to limit you. 

This is a time to look at what you believe and how your awareness of the truth contributes to your freedom or lack of, if you have bought into the fear agenda, remember beliefs create your reality. 

We are being asked to become fully sovereign to know we can and will rise above limitations and be fully self expressed and flow abundantly in all areas of our lives. 

And sometimes we feel stuck and have a difficult time knowing how to move forward out of a situation that keeps reoccurring and depletes our energy. 

This is when it is imperative to go within and ask, then listen for your inner guidance. 

The answers are always within us even if the guidance tells us to see assistance from someone else and ask for the right person to show up to support you. 

All of my life I have always been fortunate that whenever I needed assistance the universe always presents me with exactly what I need when I need it. For example my life here in Naples has beautifully fallen into place, with in a matter of weeks.

This was possible because I have been living in alignment with my human design type, I have done my own inner work to remove limiting beliefs, and I am able to fully trust that the universe will always deliver what I need in the exact right timing.

The other powerful tool to help navigate a new life that is aligned with your soul's purpose is having your human design chart read and learning how to decondition yourself according  to your human design that will then be the strategy and way you can live in the ultimate flow of life.

When you know your design as either a manifesting generator, projector, reflector, manifestor, or generator and you live according to your strategy and design and emotional authority. Building your type into your life  into that design your life will naturally be more in flow. 

Connecting to your creative spirit and allowing the energy to move your life is the ultimate superpower to have, to live an abundant life. 

If you feel you need to tap into this part of your life. Take an art class, take a dance class, go to a cooking class, and let your inner muse show you how to dance with creation. Invest time in getting involved in whatever it is that lights you up creatively. We are all creators and this is the gift we were born with to use. 

How do you express your creative energy?

2021 is the year to explore, discover, and express yourself on a deeper level. It is a time to live and move joyfully in total flow. I invite you to go on your personal journey to know yourself in a deeper way. I promise that it will be one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself. 

I believe that one of the best ways to start your journey is to learn your human design type and have a reading. Starting in this way will provide you with tools, strategy, and a deeper understanding of how you are meant to live and create with flow, abundance, and ease. 

Elyse Santoro