Reclaiming Joy and Soulfulness at Home

Our homes are one of the most important places where we can feel safe, happy and inspired. The problem is that most don’t elicit these exact feelings.

Most spaces I have experienced and seen are missing the soul of the person living there and they certainly don’t inspire or spark joy at least for me, And I am a professional in the arena of Home design

Have you embarked on the DIY journey of creating your own environment only to find you hit a wall and just got things without mindfulness just to fill finish it? This happens a lot! That’s why IKEA is so successful, inexpensive, with somewhat stylish furniture. But who wants a home filled with furniture for teens and first-time young furniture buyers? A piece maybe but the only thing I’ve bought there is a cube bookcase for a wellness office I designed.

 All it would have taken was some patience and research to find more soulful, better quality furniture that would spark joy and be more aligned with your Soul Essence.

We have become a microwave society everything needs to happen between 3-5 minutes so we can get on with what is important: making money, being on our electronic devices or simply shopping for things that don’t really shape our soulfulness… Yes, I said it- it’s a waste of time!

We all want to feel connected deeply to that part of ourselves that… and have it reflected in our environments as a reminder of what is important for us. But this journey takes time. Good home design is an evolution of one’s own life, how aware we become, how clear we are on the elements that inspire us, how mindful we are at looking for and purchasing an object we decide to bring into our space.

Like Marie Kondo says:

Does it spark joy? And hers was about letting go of everything that doesn’t spark joy.

The same goes for home furnishings, how many things do you surround yourself with that simply don’t spark joy for you anymore?

Time to let it go and open space for what does spark joy!!

A great place to begin to look at what you feel very deeply connected to is to go on Pinterest and put in specific words in the search bar that will give you inspiration photos like:

Romantic Bedrooms

Spa Designed Bathrooms

Coastal Living Rooms

Begin exploring and imagining your ideal space, really letting your fantasies run wild

How would your bedroom feel in this point in your life? sexier? More spa like? All white? Or dark grey with white furniture? Would it have a sheer draped canopy bed?

You know part of the issue is people décor from such a mundane practical level, they think function and form, not feeling and fun.

I’m sure if you look at your environment and were honest with yourself you would see where you left out the wild imagination and fun feelings it could have had.

It’s never too late to give it a face lift of as I call it a Space Lift and bring more soulful meaning and joy to it!

Here are few tips to get started:

1.       Write down your 5 top values. Your values must weave themselves into your visual story.

Ex: Beauty, love, communication, inspiration, etc.

2.       What your story? Is it holding you back? Im not creative, don’t know what my style is? Afraid to buy the wrong thing?

Re-write it to bring in a new found sense of confidence or take a class to learn something related

Ex: I am creative I love my family.


3.       Edit out anything that you don’t like anymore. Yes let it go give it away better to live with less than with more of what doesn’t resonate with you anymore right?

4.       Keep looking at Pinterest for inspiration home photos. Create an inspiration board with these images.

5.       Decide when you will begin to make small changes. And Begin the process  Get someone to guide you if you want support

Living in a beautiful and soulful home is a joy that you should experience. We are here to evolve and be happy. Be joyful! Use your home as the catalyst to bring you there.


I wish you a blessed and joyful journey creating  a Home for your Soul!


You might want to Check out my Bloom Experience Program if you’d like to learn how to design your space  and help others as a Trained Design Alchemist to reflect your soul and support your dreams and help others too

Elyse Santoro