Make your Home a Safe Sanctuary to Thrive!

With all the unsettling events occurring in the world lately – The terrible weather and storms, political unrest and environmental concerns, the “Cocooning Trend” is still very much alive and growing.

It is very important that we look at our environment we live and work in, to see if it is set up enough to protect us and be a safe haven to retreat to when the stresses of everyday life get unbearable.

Going to a spa is great but having an environment that feels like a spa each and every day can only help us thrive better. The importance of mental and Physical wellbeing has become the focus of many industries in the past few years, Interiors included.

We need to turn our homes and workplaces into places that elicit the powerful emotions of calmness, peacefulness, happiness and safety to uplift our spirits and nourish our souls. The wellness movement is all about living a simple, clean, healthy and stress-free life by including practices that keep our body, mind and spirit balanced and inspired to manifest the intentions we have.

One of those practices for me is to move my space around and shift the energy as I grow, evolve and go through different life transitions.  To have the Awareness that our space is a living being just as we are and it also needs to be fed energy from us in different ways.

Brining in live elements such as flowers and plants, changing our bedding every six months to refresh the energy we sleep on to recharge us and moving our art and accessories around to see things in a new perspective help shift the energy in your space.

When was the last time you put some new fresh energy in your space?

Our homes and workplaces are like a relationship. The more we give to it, the more joy and happiness we receive. Imagine how the special people in your life would feel if you enhanced all the senses in the design of your place so when they are there with you they feel amazing… 

And you feel amazing with them!

Become passionate about creating a sensory abundant beautiful space that will support your creative interests and you will always have something that pulls you into action.

So are you ready to do something with your space and raise the energetic vibe so you too will feel better? 

When you surround yourself with the things you love be it books, musical instruments, art supplies, craft supplies, etc.  You will always have something to occupy yourself and evolve in the process in some way.

When your place is designed with awareness, it reflects what is meaningful to you and it tells a story about you and your life.

All spaces need a bit of refreshing from time to time. Sometimes spaces are not personalized enough and lack soulful pieces that tell a story, these can end up feeling more like a showroom and less like a home. Natural down to earth spaces are always in style and feel more comfortable to live in.

Working with a professional will help you make the simple changes that will give you the most profound results.

I come to you and spend a few hours getting to know the story of your space, your likes and figure out what is making you feel stuck and preventing you from moving forward.  Then we spend time having fun together refreshing your rooms using what you have, breathing new life into your space- If it needs a space clearing I will perform one, I come equipped to do it all!

We will look at the colors, to see if the ones you have are the right ones or maybe its time to paint your artwork and how it is hung and where, your furnishings and the placement to make sure the energy can move correctly through your space, the fabrics, window treatments, accessories and how it’s all placed and put together.

Then I work my magic and just by moving a few details you will be amazed at how the space will shift and feel so much better.

I will give you a detailed assessment list of things to do after I leave but while I’m there, stuff will move and be in a much better place when I leave.

Remember to Love your Home!


Elyse Santoro