3 Keys to Mindful Home Design

Your purpose, passion and intention help to create a particular energy blueprint in your space that allows a natural flow to unfold in your life. This flow is what everyone wants to tap into. It is the life force that dances with your intentions helping to create a life of ease, grace and peace of mind Holistic Home Design is not about just filling. Holistic Home Design is not about just filling the various rooms with furniture. It is the story of you and your life. Creating each room to support your body mind and spirit

 It takes a degree of understanding as to who you are today, yes because we grow and change yet our spaces remain the same and we wonder why we get stuck.

To create a design plan that integrates you now and whomever else you may be living with is important too.

Also, what do you want to feel when you are engaging in the different rooms of your house? Inspired? Relaxed? A place that feels like a Home Spa retreat perhaps.

With the myriad of choices available out there it is easy to get overwhelmed and make hasty choices that may not fully support the Lifestyle you are truly desiring to live.

By incorporating the ancient principles of Holistic Design in a more modern way along with your “soul style” elements in your environment you will experience a quantum leap in manifesting your hearts desires and feel more at Home with yourself and your space

Energy flows all around us and it is a fact that one’s environment either internally or externally supports or blocks the life force that can nourish and provide all that we desire in life

Becoming Aware of this and realizing that every object, color, shape, material, and image has an influence on our psyches, and one choice that is off can throw off the whole room.

  The Keys to Living in a Holistic designed Lifestyle

1.     Start feeling the energy in your rooms:

Your body is a clever instrument that easily senses the energy in any room. All you need to do is simply close your eyes and become aware of how a room actually makes you feel.

It’s not necessary to know why a room doesn’t feel right, you simply need to start rearranging, taking away and adding, until the feeling starts to shift and improve.

A CLUE: Ask what your space needs and incorporate it- A new Plant? Piece of Art? Bring beauty into your space to elevate THE ENERGY.

You can also add several elements to awaken the senses-and elevate the rooms energy:

Aromatherapy diffuser/Wind Chime/Candles/Music  

2.     Never stop removing clutter:

Clutter has a way of sneaking into your environments, uninvited. By following two simple habits you will easily be able to keep clutter to a minimum.

Once a month, focus on one cupboard, or one drawer, or even one room. By having a monthly clutter-clearing session, you are guaranteeing yourself that 12 times a year you are removing the old, stale, and stagnant energy from your personal and working space.

Secondly, make a promise to yourself that anytime you buy something new for your space you will remove at least 2 items. For example, if I am buying a new printer, I will generally throw out an old one or even give it away to someone. Anything that looks well past its use- by date is out.

A CLUE: Remember there is an emotional cost to clutter in your life and that is- Stuck Energy!!!

Less is More and space allows for flow – make this your new motto

3.     Improve Energy Flow to manifest more:

Each room in your home deserves 100% energy flow. Corners are the most common spots where energy gets stuck. There’s generally no people movement, and they tend to be darker, neglected, dull, and often well away from any door or window.

Start encouraging energy flow into your corners by improving the lighting with lamps, adding color, plants, a water feature, fresh flowers, candles, or by moving heavy pieces of furniture away from them. Mirrors push energy into the direction they are facing, while vases filled with tall pieces of luck bamboo pull energy up away from the floor and towards the ceiling.

Stuff stored on the floors drags energy down and hinders the flow of energy.

A CLUE: Your eyes are attracted to energy. As a general rule, notice which spaces, walls and areas of your home never attract the attention of your eye, and focus on improving the energy in those spaces from the above list of ideas. 

Additional key to do during this time to live more holistically

Maintain your connection to healthy, self-affirming daily practices. Continue to do the things that heal and energize you.

Eat nourishing and life-giving foods. Avoid the tendency to eat too many unhealthy comfort foods. We need your immune system strong right now.

Remain connected to humanity, without putting yourself or others at risk. Utilize social media, and other online tools when it serves you. Detach when it doesn't.

Create, create, create. This is difficult to do if you are gripping too tightly, but if you can find a creative opening, walk through it. Creation will enliven you, and it will give you hope.

Move your body. If you can't go outside, move it in your space. We don't want your body tight and frozen right now. We want it energized and fluid. Physical exercise will bring you back to life.

Practice healthy emotional release. Discharge any emotions that you are holding, so your system isn't burdened. Do not hold on too tightly or armor your heart. Where possible, move those feelings. Let the river flow.so money will flow too.

“Elyse Marie provides the structure, support, and resources utilizing her Holistic Design Alchemy Life system, to help you transform the areas in your life and home you are ready to shift and re-invent. 

This evolutionary approach helps you create a conscious lifestyle that empowers and fulfills you. It also helps to clear the blockages in the way to becoming a magnet for love, abundance, and success. Ultimate well-being is then achieved.

When you are living on purpose, expressing your passion and gifts, Peace, and happiness will become the foundation for your living an extraordinary life!”

Elyse Santoro